When a company provides vocational training, they’re investing in nothing less than the future itself. As a medium-sized company, DEBATIN is fiercely loyal to its regional roots. And we’re eager to give something back to the community in which we flourish as a company. “Training young people forms an important part of our social sustainability strategy,” explains DEBATIN’s CEO Thomas Rose. “We’re creating value for generations now – because we’re now training the second generation of young people!” he adds.

In light of this dedication, DEBATIN was voted a TOP vocational training provider in 2020. The award was conferred by the DFTA (Professional Association of Flexographic Printing). Established in 1979, the Association now represents some 300 members who are involved in some way or other with the flexographic printing industry. As well as printing companies, members include institutions, colleges, universities, businesses working in pre-print areas, suppliers – and Anton Debatin GmbH. The award ceremony was held during the ProFlex 2021 trade fair in Constance last September.

The points system for the coveted award was based on various criteria such as the ratio of apprentices to the rest of the workforce, the ratio of apprentices who were subsequently offered permanent work contracts, and any exceptional level of commitment in the field of vocational training demonstrated by the company. “In 2020, the three prize-winners scored highly for the individual perks they offer and for the exceptional level of commitment they demonstrate – with in-company classes, language courses and integration courses, for example,” reported Rainer Wilke-Kasanický, President of the DFTA. DEBATIN’s co-winners were Bischof + Klein (Konzell) and Südpack (Ochsenhausen). A total of 18 companies entered the running for the award.


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“We’re delighted to have won this award, which pays tribute to exceptional levels of commitment to vocational training in our industry. At the same time, it motivates us to consistently channel our energy into training up new skilled workers. We owe it to the next generation – and we also owe it to our own company and to the region where we’re based,” summarises DEBATIN’s CEO Thomas Rose.