Happy birthday DEBATIN – how working conditions have changed over the decades

Back in the 1920s, people in Germany tended to work six days a week and more than eight hours a day. There were only a handful of laws to protect employees. DEBATIN was operating at the time from a small office and print shop, and many products were made [...]


Happy birthday DEBATIN – how communication has changed over the decades

To this day, our name pays tribute to Anton Debatin, the man who founded our company. But the company’s approach to communication, both internal and external, has changed significantly over the last century. In its early years, DEBATIN proudly presented the Debatin family’s coat of arms as its logo. This [...]


Happy birthday DEBATIN: a short history of paper bags, safe bags and DEBAMED® products

In the beginning, DEBATIN sold and processed paper. Then, in the 1920s and 30s, there was a sharp rise in paper consumption as industrialisation continued to spread, new technology developed and the advertising and packaging industries began to take shape. DEBATIN found itself perfectly positioned to cater to the [...]


Happy birthday DEBATIN – how DEBATIN’s look has changed over time

Over the 100 years of our company’s history, our product portfolio and production sites have changed. They’ve moved with the times, adapted to changing requirements and set new standards in the industry. And it’s not just the products... naturally, DEBATIN’s look has also changed over the last decades. [...]


Happy birthday DEBATIN: our journey from a horse stable to a highly modern, energy-efficient production site

Today the Debatin Group operates two production sites: one in Bruchsal and one in Hoenheim. These offer combined floor space of 13,000 m2, equipped with ultra-modern production technology, as well as attractive offices and break rooms, extensive storage areas and cleverly designed bays where lorries can load and unload. [...]


DEBATIN celebrates its centenary anniversary – and 100 years of groundbreaking product developments

In 1923, Anton Debatin and Rudolf Berger founded the “Debatin & Berger Paper Company” in Bruchsal. Over the hundred years that have passed since this momentous occasion, times haven’t always been easy. Nonetheless, DEBATIN has repeatedly developed innovative new products, boldly accepted every new challenge and consistently delivered the best [...]

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