DEBATIN celebrates centenary anniversary – definitely worth a second glance!

DEBATIN’s centenary year is slowly drawing to a close. This blog marks our final monthly review of the last 100 years of DEBATIN’s company history. Our innovations, developments, milestones, active commitment to sustainability… and so much more! The DEBATIN archives – a veritable treasure trove All [...]


DEBATIN celebrates its anniversary – innovative and future-oriented since the start

Ever since our foundation, DEBATIN has been all about innovative power, high quality, and groundbreaking products. But naturally our company has evolved over the course of the last century, while remaining bold, forward-looking, and always flexible. In the early years, DEBATIN’s core business was processing, printing, and trading paper, [...]


Happy birthday DEBATIN – how working conditions have changed over the decades

Back in the 1920s, people in Germany tended to work six days a week and more than eight hours a day. There were only a handful of laws to protect employees. DEBATIN was operating at the time from a small office and print shop, and many products were made [...]


DEBATIN celebrates its centenary – sustainability as a core DEBATIN value

Until the nineteen-sixties, the sustainability of our planet was not something people gave much thought to. Environmental awareness only began to creep in as the West gradually became aware of the negative repercussions of industrial activity. Initially, people used phrases like “environmental hygiene” or “protecting the environment”. Only towards [...]


DEBAPAC® PCR document pouches – sustainable, self-adhesive, Made in Germany

DEBATIN is committed to becoming as green as possible. Which is why we’re now replacing our highly popular DEBAPAC® document pouches for invoices, delivery notes and freight documents, operating instructions, etc. with a more planet-friendly version: our new DEBAPAC® PCR self-adhesive document pouches. The new DEBAPAC® PCR document pouches [...]


Innovative product for mail orders – DEBA-AIR® PCR

When Amazon, the world’s leading online marketplace, struck bubble wrap from its list of permissible packaging materials in the summer of 2022, the announcement unleashed a shockwave. All Amazon’s logistics centres, including those in Germany, were impacted by the change and required to use recyclable paper packaging instead. However, [...]

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